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UK, the country of the museums, the history and the place where famous writers were born.

It’s an island in the north-west of Europe. This country is surrounded by the Atlantic ocean, the North sea, the Manega’s canal and the Ireland sea. There are 65.102.385 people . It has an oceanic climate with soft temperatures and it is constantly wet, frequently there is  fog. The capital of the UK is London and the first minister is Theresa May. This country is very interesting to visit for their incredible museums.



This price includes the tickets to visit the London Eye, the Wax Museum,  the war museum, the Big Ben, the Parliament and the British Museum. four night at the hotel Club Quarters Hotel in London, the meals and the return flight  tickets to London with the air company swiss air.



London Eye:

It’s a Ferris Wheel of 135m that was the biggest Ferris Wheel of the world before the opening of The star of Nanchang and after Singapore Flyer.


Wax Museum:

Madame Tussauds is the name of the wax museum that contains a horror train and a London history train. It also contains a lot of waxworks of famous, historic people and the film characters.


War museum:

It was established in 1917 during the First World War. This museum contains photographs, recordings and military vehicles.


Big Ben:

It’s the name of the clock’s bells located in the north-west of the Palace of Westminster and it’s headquarters of the Parliament of the UK. It’s the biggest four-faced clock in the world.



It’s also known like the Palace of Westminster. It  is one of the four World Heritage Site that there are in the city of London.


The British museum:

It’s one of the most important museums more visited of the world. It has a big collection of a lot of different things in the fields of knowledge: history, the archaeology, ethnography and  art.



During the summer it is important to carry comfortable clothes and carry a jacket or a jersey at night. The currency used is the pound, so you have to change the currency. In this country people drive on the left, so if you carry your car, you have a little bit less of vision in certains positions. In general shops are open from 9 to 19h from Monday to Saturday, but in touristic zones they open on Sundays and holidays.



Time of departure (18th June):

14:50 (BCN)


Time of arrival (18th June):

17:55 (LCY)


Time of departure (22nd June):

7:55 (LCY)


Time of arrival (22nd June):

14:05 (BCN)

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